Our Core Principles

Trading Technology Consulting adhere to a set of core principles that guide us in the work we deliver. These principles set us aside from our competition, and illustrate why our existing clients come back to us time and time again.


Trading Technology Consulting do not develop nor implement solutions for clients, and we are not aligned with any one organisation or product. Whilst we have worked with - and even for - all the major software vendors in our field, we remain independent to them and always keep the best interests of our clients in mind, no matter the project.


We deliver world-class insight on the trading industry and the technology that drives it. The financial press frequently call for our opinion on current affairs, and we present at global industry fora, such as the World Federation of Exchanges conferences. We maintain our own database of technology in use at trading venues around the world, and our network of colleagues and associate firms spans the globe. All of this means we're very well placed to ensure that you, as our client, receieve the very best and most up-to-date intelligence available.


We adopt a pragmatic approach to our work and always seek to find the best possible solution for our clients. We like to take a holistic approach to our customers issues, and evaluate multiple approaches to challenges, in order to find the most suitable and practical solutions.


We are by the very nature of our work, international consultants whom operate on a global basis. Institutions, especially exchanges, are often by their very nature limited to a domestic scope, and we can help you understand global trends, common challenges, industry norms, and how to best optimise your business for a growing global market.


We can help you cut through what often becomes a confusing set of challenges and decisions. We have developed a wide variety of methodologies and tools that we use to help clients make difficult decisions, such as managing RFP selection processes.


We adopt a no-nonsense approach, meaning we do not aim to drown people in management jargon and baffling technical terminology, nor do we believe that quantity is as important as quality. We also understand that a large part of our client base do not necessarily speak English as their first language, and so we adopt a Plain English approach to ensure that reports, documents and publications are as clear as possible.


We know what we are good at, and we stick to that. We do not expand laterally into other areas of industry merely because an opportunity presents itself, so our engagement with a client will be limited to the technical and business challenges of trading. Due to this niche expertise and specialism, we partner with other companies in order to bring a fuller set of services to our clients when needed. Similarly, we have often provided our specialist services to larger consultancies who do not have the expert knowledge we offer in our area.